Vacations, dates, condo living, weddings and boyfriends!


Hey peeps I guess you may have wondered what happen to Single Gals or maybe not that’s cool too.

Well it’s been a busy start to the new year for the Single Gals team. Commando Barbie has gone on  25 first dates and her blog post on the experience will  be posted shortly.

Queen B is getting ready for her move into her new condo and going on vacations.

Glamour girl is getting married this year. So she been busy with planning the big day.

As for me I been busy trying to figure out how to juggle working full-time and doing my two part-time social media jobs now that I have a boyfriend. Yes you have read that right! I now have a boyfriend!

I’m working on the story for you gals but in short sometimes great things are staring us right in the face ….we just have to open our eyes.

The beauty of this budding romance is that he accepts me just as I am and its a wonderful thing.  I knew one day it would happen, I always say be true to who you are because it’s the right person that notices.

Recently I was on vacation in El Salvador with Queen B; we spent a week lying in the sun and watching Latin American pop videos. We have to say some of those Latin American singers are tres yummy and I’ll be posting them over the next few weeks as yummo’s  or as we said on vacation “I’d tap that!”

Yup I manage to find someone who accepts me as I am… I know, right !


Large Nat


Remember the little things…

Life can be so sad at times whether it’s the evils going on in the world or you own personal struggles. I have a few very special people in my life that are having some hard times these days, it hurts me because I have no way of helping other than lending an ear and a shoulder if needed.

So to all of you out there struggling with your own struggles remember it does get better and use your support system because that what good friends and family are here for, the good and hard times. Also NEVER feel bad or think you are burdening us, because there will come a day when we will need you.

Today I’d like to share some of the things that make me smile on a daily basis, they are little things but sometimes you have to take pleasure in the little things to help deal with the big things.

First is my screen saver of my dog Daisy (up front) and her BFF Doakes. Every day that I come into the office this is the first thing I see when I log on to my computer and it makes me laugh, I hope this too will bring a smile to your face.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Second is the picture is my cork board in my office of the random things that make me smile. I figure since you have to spend most of you time at work try to surround yourself with the things you love.

Random things that makes me smile.

Random things that makes me smile.

Lastly my little Christmas tree, I love lighting it up every night, my cat spends 90% of her day under the tree so chances are when you look at it there will be two little eyeballs staring back at you.

Aloha Christmas

Aloha Christmas

Other things that make me smile on a daily basis are my morning coffee, the giant advertisement of Django which is a big picture of Leo DiCapiro and seeing Daisy making a strangers day with her kisses.

The evil side of me gets joy in knowing that my brother is stressing over his xams gift from me. In past I have taken him on meditation seminars in which I fell asleep, another time we saw Eckhart Tolle speak; again I fell asleep…so anything is possible this year! (insert evil laugh)

I love getting random voice messages from my lovely dingy bestie who in her sing-song voice tells me she loves me; it makes me giggle and makes my heart happy at the same time.

So if someone you know is feeling down, send them a silly picture, or leave them a silly voice message. It’s a little thing but it lets people know you are thinking of them and sometimes that all we need.

What little thing makes you happy?

Five things NOT to say to a Single Gal…

1)      Why are you single?  – This is usually followed-up up with a list of all our awesome qualities. I know the person saying this intends for it to be a compliment.  HOWEVER…

 The Single Gal interprets this as ‘OMG if I am so awesome WHY am I single? I must need to lose weight, stop fidgeting, be more serious etc.’ whatever we think our flaws are we will now start to obsess even more over them.

2)      You have a date? Why is HE single at 30-40 (etc.) something?  – If I can be an awesome single why can’t my potential date be just as awesome – a normal funny guy with a run of bad luck in the dating minefield.

 Saying this to a Single Gal will make her look for flaws therefore sabotaging the date before it has happened. Also this plagues our mind that people are saying the same thing about us to our potential date – Why is SHE single?

 3)      It will happen when you’re not looking for  IT – Contrary to popular belief we Single Gals are not always looking for IT (a.k.a The One, Happily Ever After, Soul Mate, Baby Daddy). After spending a certain amount of time in Singledom you give up on finding IT.

 Single Gals know this is just a polite way of saying ‘Sorry Girlfriend but you’re going to be single for a while so suck it up. I’m tired of hearing about you man less woes’

 4)      Maybe you should try online dating / Maybe you should try online dating again – When you say this to us you are confirming that we have officially been single way too long and you are starting to worry.

 If your Single pal has not tried online dating she is probably lying because we all hit that wall of desperation where online dating actually seems like a good idea. If she hasn’t told you it’s because she is embarrassed that after 3 months she did not get a date, or she is hiding her shame of desperation.

 If your Single Gal pal has tried online dating and it was a disaster… forget it she will never do it again.  Regardless of the friend whose cousin’s – sister-in-law’s – doctor’s – nanny’s daughter who met her husband online.

5)      We know this great guy you should meet – This is the most painful of all. When a Single Gal is told of a potential great guy, we go against our better judgement and actually get hopeful.  We are secretly hoping you will make it happen and that YES he is a great guy. Therefore when nothing comes of this, but the occasional oh we should really get you to meet so and so you are toying with our fragile emotional state. Even the most confident, secure, happy Single Gal will let the wall down a bit to indulge in the belief they are going to meet a great guy.

Even though your intentions are pure of heart you need to remember that we Single Gals are fragile somewhat desperate beings that have probably not been laid in a long while or had any male contact therefore putting us on the defensive.

Instead of trying to make us feel better about our Single status why not take your Single Gal pal out for drinks and be her wing woman.

How YOU doin’?

Hey Ladies,

Christian wants to know ‘How YOU doin?’



Ps. Thank you CultFit

You get double the fun with these two …

Happy Monday Gals!

Here is twice the Yum since I have not posted any Hotties in a while. So lets double our pleasure and double our fun with the Harrison Twins.

The things that can make a girl cry…

I am such a girl and I don’t have any problem with it. I cry during commercials, I cry at YouTube proposals, I cry during sad movies, I cry sometimes for no reason whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a crazy crying women, I’m actually quite stoic and always appear to be in control. On the inside though, that isn’t always the case.

I wonder sometimes if men just feel like letting go but don’t, fearing they won’t appear manly enough. That is why I’m so happy I’m a girl, if something makes me sad I can cry and if people think I’m emotional well I am and if you don’t like it, too bad.

I’m writing this piece because I was watching the below proposal and started crying. I don’t know these people or anything about them, but I could feel the love and as single girl sometimes you need hope or a reminder that true love exists. If this proposal doesn’t give you hope, I pray something else does.  Enjoy……

Did you cry?

Is it a Crush or do I need to get some?

Urban dictionary defines a crush as the following:

1)      A burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special.

2)      a painful experience, very common among middle schoolers (and high schooler’s and even adults to a lesser degree) that involves being obsessed with a member of the opposite sex (or the same-sex, if u prefer), being attracted to them physically (most common), or emotionally also called ‘puppy love’ … also: the object of this affection

I was talking to my brother the other day about a crush … I was telling him how awesome I think this person is and then proceeded to say that I guess I have a bit of a crush on him.  My brother ever so wise and quick with the responses tells me that crushes are for High School … FACE IT you just want to do him! Well duh!?

Am I crushing on this person, or am I  just thinking with my labia? Maybe I am just a pervy single gal that needs to get lucky. But isn’t a crush a little more than that? If you are crushing on someone it’s definitely a physical thing but with the added interest of knowing what that person is all about… right?

I see guys once in a while where I think wow he is HOT..But besides the passing though of “Sweet he looks just a good going as he does coming” you forget about those random hotties. Or you take a pic of him walking away and send it off to your girlies for all to enjoy…but that’s it! You don’t wonder about him past that initial sighting. Crushes are always a little deeper than that because they randomly show up in your dreams and those dreams are so damn good you are convinced he is perfection.

For the most part crushes are harmless; every now and again it’s okay for us single gals to crush on someone I think it’s just a reminder that we have not given up hope.  Just don’t let your crush become an obsession where you are cyber stalking him, or creating photo’s of what your babies will look like.

When was the last time you had a crush? Are you crushing on someone now? Do you think I  have a crush or am I just being a perve?

Happy Lusting Ladies!

Sorry ladies he’s gay, but we can still look and drool

It’s Hump Day!  The Hump Day Hunk is model Matt Schiermeier.