Remember the little things…

Life can be so sad at times whether it’s the evils going on in the world or you own personal struggles. I have a few very special people in my life that are having some hard times these days, it hurts me because I have no way of helping other than lending an ear and a shoulder if needed.

So to all of you out there struggling with your own struggles remember it does get better and use your support system because that what good friends and family are here for, the good and hard times. Also NEVER feel bad or think you are burdening us, because there will come a day when we will need you.

Today I’d like to share some of the things that make me smile on a daily basis, they are little things but sometimes you have to take pleasure in the little things to help deal with the big things.

First is my screen saver of my dog Daisy (up front) and her BFF Doakes. Every day that I come into the office this is the first thing I see when I log on to my computer and it makes me laugh, I hope this too will bring a smile to your face.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Second is the picture is my cork board in my office of the random things that make me smile. I figure since you have to spend most of you time at work try to surround yourself with the things you love.

Random things that makes me smile.

Random things that makes me smile.

Lastly my little Christmas tree, I love lighting it up every night, my cat spends 90% of her day under the tree so chances are when you look at it there will be two little eyeballs staring back at you.

Aloha Christmas

Aloha Christmas

Other things that make me smile on a daily basis are my morning coffee, the giant advertisement of Django which is a big picture of Leo DiCapiro and seeing Daisy making a strangers day with her kisses.

The evil side of me gets joy in knowing that my brother is stressing over his xams gift from me. In past I have taken him on meditation seminars in which I fell asleep, another time we saw Eckhart Tolle speak; again I fell asleep…so anything is possible this year! (insert evil laugh)

I love getting random voice messages from my lovely dingy bestie who in her sing-song voice tells me she loves me; it makes me giggle and makes my heart happy at the same time.

So if someone you know is feeling down, send them a silly picture, or leave them a silly voice message. It’s a little thing but it lets people know you are thinking of them and sometimes that all we need.

What little thing makes you happy?